Little Princess Piper Has A Pumpkin Tummy


My older neighbor said that I should dress as a fairy princess for Halloween. I was so excited when he made that suggestion. I love pink frilly outfits so much! He said I could be his adorable, sexy little princess. I blushed when he said that, and it made me tingle just a little down there.

I decided I could wear my ballet costume from a few years ago. He told me my cute little cheeks turned all red when he suggested it. I hadn’t seen him around in a bit after that, and I decided it was time I see what’s up. He can be so sneaky when he has secrets.

I put on my costume. Well I tried to get it on, but am I getting fat? What the hell?  I finally got the zipper up over my little tits. I mean they used to be little, but really what’s up with that? I sort of love my bigger tits. I bet boys will love them as well. 

I grabbed my pumpkin pail and headed over. I hope he has lots of candy because I am hungry all the time lately. 

“Hello, hello is anyone home?”, I say. No answer yet again? I am horny and hungry all at the same time. He finally comes to the door, and he’s out of breath. I want to tell him I think I am preggers, but he has a surprise for me. OMG, there is my friend Jenn. I haven’t seen her since Covid. She is in bed with my future husband. This could be even sweeter than candy!


PiperWritten By: Piper
Call Piper @ 1-866-687-5486




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